Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sick Day redux

Oct 14

There is something satisfying knowing that its ok to watch movies and lay on the couch all day. Granted I wish i didn't have this flu/cold thing, but I gave in and lazed all day.
The Yogi tea seems to help and goes perfect with breakfast and I adore the little pearls of wisdom they leave on the tag...
First movie choice of the day was back to the classics with, An Affair to Remember....hokey yes, but Carey Grant is oh so smooth...I can picture a remake with George Clooney perhaps? . . Debra Kerr was ok, im sure Audrey Hepburn would have been a better choice.
Lunch time was my batch of Chicken soup with some fig newtons - very healing...i guess i can't seem to give up the Chicken just yet although after watching "A beautiful Truth" last night - im getting closer to it...
Time for Woody Allen... Melinda and Melinda...and one of my favorite opening scenes from a move "
              The essence of life isn't comic. lt's tragic. 

1 comment:

  1. If I were sick.... this is the perfect way to spend the time dealing .... and healing....
    sending healing vibes xox
